“Are you currently looking for food storage that would mantain your food’s quality condition?”
“Or do you want to add some new stylist furniture in your house?”
Don’t worry, you are reading the right article.
We are about to share about Kiri Box.
Kiri Box is one of the Japanese Traditional Handicrafts that have been used in Japanese history and still use nowadays. It is made from Kiri Wood that is known as a light-weight wood, have a strong and fine-grained wood with silky smooth finish.
What is Kiri (Paulownia) Wood?

Paulownia Tomentosa (Kiri in Japanese) is a deciduous tree that native to central and western China. It grows a lot in some of Asian countries, Australia, and North America.
It has some common name such as Paulownia, Royal Paulownia, Princess Tree, and Kiri.
This tree is a fast-growing tree, it can grow up to 4 meters in the first year. It has a pinkish-lavender color flower that blooms in April.

Kiri wood have a light color, and known as a strong and fine-grained wood.

It’s also a flexible product, because it can be use to store almost everything. For example, the Kiri wood is usually used for making furniture, music instrument, storage box, etc.
In Japan, there is one tradition that when a baby girl is born in a household, they will plant The Kiri tree. When the daughter is married, the wood will be crafted into a dresser and will be given to the daughter as a gift.

Kiri (Paulownia) Box
You can find many elegant, and high-quality Kiri Boxes to store your food supply.
It is made from Kiri Wood that is known as a light-weight wood, have a strong and fine-grained wood with silky smooth finish.
Please experience the beauty of Japanese traditional handicrafts through Kiri (Paulownia) Box. It is all a handmade product made by skillful craftsman from Japan.

Appear in different sizes and color.

You can freely use it to store your food suply.
The Characteristic of Kiri (Paulownia) Wood
Protector Against Humidity
Among the kind of woods, Kiri wood is one of a rare wood in category of moisture absorption.
The duct inside the wood can hinders the passage of water, and because the holes in fiber membranes are small, once it got dried, it will be difficult for water to break through inside.
High Level of Airtightness
Kiri wood inflated to moist outside air to prevent moisture from the outside.
Conversely, when the air dries moisture will diverge and shrinks.
Since kiri wood is sensitive to humidity, it has excellent airtightness, which able to keep the internal humidity constant, resulting in a long time protection for the contents inside the storage box.
High Resistance towards Insects
Because kiri wood contains tannin, it has a high resistance towards insects. A cabinet that made from Kiri wood is quite a popular choice in Japan because its excellence in humidity control and insect repellent.
Light Weight
Compared to specific gravity of water which is 1, kiri wood’s specific gravity is 0.3, which is the lightest among domestic wood.
Because the membrane wall of its cells is thin and the air layer is large, it is soft and very convenient to carry.
How Japanese People Usually Use Kiri (Paulownia) Box
When you are thinking about box, you are thinking about preparing gifts and wanting to keep your belongings safe. Yes. That is also right.
But we are about to tell you why kiri (paulownia) box plays an important role to Japanese people.

Here in Japan, the kiri box is not just a normal storage box.
The Japanese view of a box is more than just think it as a packing material.
It is a medium they trust to properly store their treasure (precious things), which is really important for them.
Kiri box also plays an important role for gift giving in Japan. Choosing the packaging material to give a look at outward appearance is important, but it also can boost the value of the gift.

(Kiri usage in Japan: as food container, as material for making Koto (Japanese traditional music instrument), as gift box, as dresser (or another furniture))
Kiri is said to be the lightest wood material in Japan. It also has some advantage that other wood may not have, as what we mentioned above, so it is good for long-term use.
It is also said that kiri (paulownia) wood is the most appropriate wood for making box and container.
These days, Japanese people are using kiri box to store some valuable arts or antiques such as kimono, food, kakejiku (hanging scroll), fuuchin (a weight that usually hang below hanging scrolls), dolls, rosary, etc.

Adding a Kiri box as a furniture in your house will leave an elegant taste. It will not only help you to store your precious things, but also add some stylist and minimalist feeling.
How to Properly Take Care of Your Kiri (Paulownia) Box

About Cleaning The Kiri (Paulownia) Box
Please note that you will need to remember these things about cleaning The Kiri Box:
➡ Do not wash the product. Washing the product may cause deformation or become mold.
➡ To clean the product, please use dry or damp cloth, or a brush if needed.
➡ After cleaning the product, make sure to dry it before use.
About Managing The Contents
There are some points to note when filling and refilling the contents of the box:
➡ Please fill new ingredients when the stock is empty to prevent any residue from the last remaining ingredients.
➡ Before putting new ingredients inside, turn the box over in the empty condition and tap the bottom lightly to discard the remaining ingredients.
➡ After that, wipe the box with a dry cloth to remove the debris. You can fill it with new ingredients afterward.
About Storing The Kiri (Paulownia) Box
To help maintain the product’s quality, please note these following things:
➡ Please avoid storing in high temperature and humid place.
➡ Please store the goods in a dry state.
➡ If the product got stained or wet, please remove the contents and wipe the stained area immediately with dry or damp cloth and dry it in dry place.
Other article with Kiri (Paulownia) Woods