“Hard to maintain, easily break, easily rusted”
Are all the statements true? Can this statement be applied to all cast iron acrossed the globe?
If it is true, why does the famous chefs bring their own cast iron pan into their TV shows or some even introduce themselves as cast iron chef? Have you ever wonder about that?
Therefore answer is NO. Because only the best know what is the best.
Here we will reveal the characteristic and uniqueness of Nambu Cast Iron which will reject all the myth of cast iron product. We would as well give you tips of how to care and think for your own Nambu Iron Cast
Content List
- What is Nambu cast iron
- Who made Nambu Cast Iron
- History
- Current Innovation
- Different between Nambu Cast Iron and other cast iron
- The process of Making Nambu Cast Iron
- The exclusive Characteristics of Nambu Cast iron and its effect foods
- Nambu Cast Iron promotes Healthy Lifestyle
- Types of Nambu Cast iron
- How to care for your Nambu Cast Iron
What is Nambu cast iron?

Who made Nambu cast iron?
In other prefecture such as Kyoto and Yamagata, there are also many famous cast iron companies and artisans. However, what makes Nambu cast iron special than them are their history and unity. Nambu cast iron has built their own reputation not only through history but also through innovation and traditional cast iron making. In Iwate, the cast iron companies continue to unify under the same brand which is Nambu Tekki (cast iron) which what makes them very appealing. All are pioneer and have their own design for the cast iron. Every prefecture has their own design which is exclusive theirs.
A long history dating back to 400 years ago during the Edo period, in Iwate prefecture. Nambu cast iron was made by numerous artisans came from various places in Japan. Nambu was named after a Nambu feudal domain which now enclosed to where Morioka is located. From choosing types of iron sand, metals, design and color, everything is done conscientiously. In Asian, the cast iron begins to receive massive attention due to the cast iron kettle which was used for making tea. Drinking tea hold a significant place in the heart of the Japanese people from the aristocrat till the commoner. In 1975, Nambu cast iron kettle was chosen as the first place of national handicraft that is unique only to Japan.
Current Innovation
The traditional techniques and design have been well kept and passed down to the current generation. Many new artisans emerged making the design more contemporary and modern not only as kitchenware but also as a decoration for home. Recently, there are also makers who innovated the Nambu cast iron into non-sticky and anti-rusty cast iron while others still keep the traditional iron casting method.
Different between Nambu cast iron and other cast iron
From the perspective of science, cast iron contained of 2 to 4 percent of carbon in each of it alloy. In the process of ironware making, the metal was first melted and then put into a mold depending on the shape it will then hardened, and become an ironware such as cast iron pot and pan. In conclusion a cast ironware is made with a single piece of metal, through the process of melting, molding, hardened and seasoned.
However some of the cast iron sell at the supermarket or online store, is made with combination of other compound such as steel or chemical.
Nambu cast iron used natural resources from the Iwate prefecture such as iron sand, rock sand, river sand, along with lacquer, clay and coal. All of these are necessary for casting iron but usage depends on the types of ironware.
Another important fact is that the iron from the Nambu cast iron consist of natural iron and were all handmade conscientious by the craftman without using any other chemical. Nambu cast iron is also notably for being able to recycle when it is no longer usable.
The Process of Making Nambu Cast Iron
Details on the Process
1. Designing
2. Prototyping
3. Melting
4. Moulding
5. Hardening
6. Seasoning
The exclusive Characteristics of Nambu Cast iron and its effect on foods

Do you ever ponder why famous chef bring their own cast iron pan into their TV shows or some even introduce themselves as cast iron chef? It is the characteristic of the iron that make it very appealing to the cookers around the world. Nambu cast iron is well-known across the globe due to its own characteristic and uniqueness which about to be peel here.
• Rust-resistant
The cast iron has been seasoned well so that it will not rotten away that easily especially rusting.
• Long-lasting
Made with strong durability so that it can be used for a long time.
• Well-insulated
Once it is heated, the heat will stay even after turning off the stove.
• A food stage of uniform circulation of heatCompared with normal mainstream cast iron sell at the supermarket, Nambu cast iron is invented to evenly heat and maintain the heat throughout the cooking period.
The process of making Nambu cast iron required a skill which is inherited from generation to generation. One of the process is called Kanaketome, roughly means to prevent the metallic taste. This longtime traditional technique use pine tree for charcoaling. Through the process, the ironware is burned over the charcoal fire for about an hour in order to oxidize and coat its surface, which then prevent it from rusting and tasting like a metal. Due to the oxidization and coating, the changes on the taste can be felt after several usage. After a while, you can taste a sweeter water, or have a perfect, hard seared piece of meat.
Nambu Cast Iron promotes Healthy Lifestyle
It is crucial to know that taking enough iron for daily intake is important for a healthy lifestyle. Nambu cast iron not only helps in combating with anemia but also promote healthy lifestyle. In general, this ironware will give a sufficient iron intakes for people regardless of their diet and health condition. Below we will explain you about Nambu Cast Iron Healthy Benefits;
#1 Enjoy a Healthy Pregnancy period

During the pregnancy period, the production of red blood is needed to supply the growing fetus with oxygen and nutrients.
It is common that the mother undergoing iron deficiency due to the body maximizing the absorption of iron during the pregnancy. Using Nambu Cast iron, can help in increasing the production of red blood cell in the most natural way.
#2 Help to Fight Anaemia

Recent studies show that iron deficiency will eventually leads to anaemia. It usually happened to people who have lots of bleeding such as pregnant women and women who have heavy menstrual periods.
When anaemia occurs peoples tend to lose focus, feel drowsy and fatigue throughout the day. It is difficult for them to have a normal day. Nambu cast iron can give a natural iron intakes to all people regardless of their condition.
#3 Gives Energy

Daily consumption of iron is important to have a healthy lifestyle. Without iron, people will easily become fatigues and feeling weak throughout the day.
These people might not having a severe anaemia, but will eventually lead to eat due to the insufficient intake of iron.
#4 As a Food Substitution or Supplement for Vegetarian and Vegan

Studies shows that vegetarians undergoing the iron deficiency due to lack of iron intake in foods. Although spinach contain of iron, but food that rich in iron can be found in fish, meat and seafood.
In order to give enough iron on daily consumption, using Nambu cast iron is indirectly one of the way good way to combat with the iron deficiency. The iron contain in Nambu cast iron can help supplying iron regardless of the food diet
Types of Nambu Cast Iron
There are many types of Nambu Tekki depending on the use. From East, Asian Kitchen to the west, Western Kitchen. Variety of Nambu cast iron you can find in Japan.
Fish Pan
Use for grilling fish. Made in an oval pan to fit in the fish shape. Can be use for grilling other meat as well.

Sukiyaki Pan
A traditional round shape pan. Suitable for cookinng any types of foods such as sukiyaki, gratin and other types of food.

Fry Pan
Another traditional and most popular item. Fry Pan, a neverending item love by the constumer. Unlimited choise for cooking any types of food.

Made to support the cast iron ware. Very versatile and durable. Available in many different design according to use. Suitable as table decoration as well.

Rice Pot
A traditional way of making rice. The water made from the iron help in enriching the flavour of the rice. The rice taste sweeter and glutinous. Enjoy sweet and glutinous rice made with cast iron.

Kettle cast iron (Tetsubin)
According to the history. Ketlle cast iron (Tetsubin) is the first product of Nambu cast iron. Use for tea ceremony (Sadp).
Very great in value as not only it is stylish but also help in making the tea less astringent and naturally sweater.

How to care for your Nambu cast iron?
Let’s start using Nambu cast iron with Backward Thinking for successful caring over it.
Have you ever wonder why there are so many artifact of old cast iron?
Why does people in those days choose to use it and how they actually managed to take care of it for a long time, when there were no any soap invention or even detergent?
What to use for washing Nambu cast iron?
- Hot Water
- No soap? Then don’t use soap. Instead, rinse it well with hot water.
It is proved by studies that Hot water will help remove the corrosiveness of fresh water,
which become the reason why we use hot water for rinsing the cast iron.
- Oil
- Will it ever become rusty, if we season it with oil, the most basic cooking item? A natural polisher.
Put oil in the pan and heat it over the stove, repeated action may have better result. It is as simple as that. A “green” product that seemed need to have a lot of maintenance but most likely not at all.
It is all in our mind, the more advanced we become the more difficult we tend to think.
Why can’t we use Soap?
Depending on the chemical compound in soap, the compound might be harsh for the ironware in which whether the cast iron product is seasoned or not. So, to be in the safe side it is preferred not to use soap, instead use the oil with lukewarm water.
When it says no soap can be use, it is much more frugal we can become. We can try to think it simpler or even plainly just like the old days.
By following the tips above, Nambu cast iron can be successfully care after and Thus revoke the statement above.
Other article about Cast Iron