Tamari Chicken Teriyaki

Tamari chicken teriyaki

Who doesn’t love chicken teriyaki? A chicken dish glazed with sweet-savory lacquer of soy sauce, usually enjoyed together with rice. Even just talking about it already makes me hungry. 

With the right soy sauce, you can take your chicken teriyaki to the next level. Deep flavored soy sauce can bring so much to the table. I usually prefer koikuchi soy sauce (dark soy sauce) or tamari when making meat-based dishes to really bring out the flavors. 

Savor the complex umami of well-prepared teriyaki chicken with tamari sauce.

teryaki tamari chicken

Chicken Teriyaki With Tamari Sauce

Tamari sauce is a great addition for your cooking. It can add a mellow umami flavor and give your chicken a glossy (teri 照り) look.
4.34 from 3 votes
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Servings Servings


  • 250 g Boneless Chicken Thigh
  • 1 piece Ginger grated (approx. 2.5cm)
  • 2 tbsp Tamari sauce
  • 2 tbsp Oil
  • 0.25 tsp Salt
  • 0.25 tsp Blackpepper
  • 1 tbsp Sake
  • 1 tbsp Mirin
  • 1 tbsp Sugar
  • 100 ml Water


  • Cut chicken into small pieces, salt and pepper the chicken. Make sure not to over salt the chicken because tamari sauce already has a certain saltiness in them.
  • Turn on the stove to medium heat, put oil on frying pan, and cook the chicken. Don’t forget to sear both sides.
  • After the chicken in half cooked, add ginger, sake, mirin, sugar, tamari sauce, and water. Stir well until everything is incorporated.
  • Close the frying pan with a lid, turn the heat down, and simmer chicken for about 7-10 minutes.
  • Open the lid, turn the heat up, stir and simmer until the liquid is reduced.
  • Chicken teriyaki is ready to serve.

About Tamari Sauce

Tamari sauce is a wheat-free variant of Japanese soy sauce. Regular soy sauce is often brewed with 50% wheat so it’ll be easier to mass-produce. Since tamari only uses soy as the main ingredient, we can say that it is the best gluten-free alternative to soy sauce. 

Due to the deeper flavor, tamari goes really well with meat and chicken.

Product Used In The Recipe

Using local soybeans of Anjo City and salt from Seto City, this tamari sauce is matured/aged for three years in a traditional, large cedar vat that has been used since the Bunsei Age.

The appealing point of this tamari is its natural umami taste. With just a small amount, you can already savor the deliciousness of this sauce. Feel free to use this tamari sauce for boiled food, fried rice, or teriyaki.

teryaki tamari chicken

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Raised in Jakarta. Loves foreign movies and cooking. Currently wondering which dressing to go with her veggie mix.