Umeboshi (梅干 or 梅干し), literally means “dried ume” or “dried plum” is one of the most popular tsukemono (traditional pickles) made of ume (plum) fruits. In Japan, umeboshi is used in everyday Japanese Foodstuff and Recipes. It is not only enjoyable on its own, but its medicinal benefits and nutrients has caught worldwide attention that it’s called superfood.
Because of its sour and salty taste, umeboshi is suitable for making refreshing drinks or even desserts. In this article, we would like to show you how to make those several refreshing drinks and desserts from umeboshi.
To learn more about umeboshi such as its health benefits, you can read our article below:

We also provide you with step by step on how to make your own umeboshi at home:

Drinks and Dessert Recipe from Umeboshi
Umeboshi Tea
This recipe is really easy and fast to make. You can even re-use your umeboshi for three times using this recipe. All you need is umeboshi and hot water. The more you use the umeboshi, the thicker the taste of your umeboshi drink will be.

Umeboshi Tea
- Appropriate amount of Umeboshi (the more umeboshi you use, the thicker the taste of umeboshi will be)
- 1 cup Hot water
- Break apart the umeboshi flesh, and remove the seed. Then place umeboshi in a teacup.
- Pour hot water over the umeboshi, and let it steep in the hot water for 10 minutes.
- You can sip the umeboshi tea like the way you drink regular tea.
- Then refill with hot water and let the umeboshi steep in the hot water for another 10 to 15 minutes. You can repeat this process three times and then eat the plum flesh.
- You can also use 100% umeboshi puree/paste and dissolve it in hot water for this recipe.
Ume-Sho Bancha
Here, we introduce a simple yet ultra-powerful detoxifying tea recipe from Japan. Ume-sho bancha is an alkalizing, simple health drink you can easily make at home. This drink has several health benefits, such as; regulating digestion, improving blood circulation, and relieving headaches, to name a few.

Ume-Sho Bancha
- 1 Umeboshi
- 1 – 3 drops Shoyu Soy Sauce
- 1 – 2 drops Grated ginger or ginger juice
- 1 Cup Hot Bancha tea
- Remove the seed from the umeboshi, then mash it with a spoon.
- Place the umeboshi plum in a teacup with a few drops of soy sauce.
- Add freshly grated ginger and stir gently.
- Pour Bancha Tea into the teacup, and let it simmer for 1-2 minutes.
- Stir to blend all the ingredients and your Umeboshi Bancha is ready to drink.
- Traditional umeboshi that is pickled without chemical preservatives, honey, or seasoning is recommended to use for this recipe.
- You can also use 100% umeboshi puree/paste and dissolve it in hot water for this recipe.
To learn more about Sannen Umeboshi (3 Years Fermented Umeboshi), please read the following article:

Umeboshi Ice Cream
This unique recipe of umeboshi ice cream might be your choice to cool down the summer. This ice cream shows how the sourness and saltiness in an umeboshi can be suitable for the sweetness of an ice cream as a dessert that will be your favourite in warm weather.

Umeboshi Ice Cream
- 4 Umeboshi Plums
- 400 ml double cream or heavy whipping cream
- 400 ml plain yoghurt
- 8 tbsp honey
- Whisk the double cream or heavy whipping cream in a bowl until soft peaks appear.
- Add the yoghurt and honey, then gently fold in until evenly combined.
- Chop and add the umeboshi pickled plums to the mixture. Be sure to remove any pits before chopping. You can also use 100% umeboshi paste/puree, but your ice cream might not have a chewy texture if you use it.
- Pour the ice cream mixture in a container that can be used in the freezer and flatten the surface with a spatula.
- Freeze the ice cream mixture for 4-6 hours, but remember to stir it every 30 minutes or so.
- Once the ice cream mixture has frozen, serve with your favorit garnish such as mint leaves, or chopped umeboshi.
Recommended Recipe Using Umeboshi
As we mentioned before that Umeboshi is the most popular and common tsukemono or pickles that you can find in Japan. It is used in various Japanese Foods and Recipes. Kindly check our other recommended recipe using Umeboshi below:

Recommended Umeboshi Product
Recommended Umeboshi Plums (Whole Fruits)
In Kawashima The Japan Store, we have several type of umeboshi plums, include those which has been fermented for 3-4 years. Kindly check your favorite type of Umeboshi Plums below:
Recommended Umeboshi Seasoned Paste
We also have recommendation of umeboshi paste product with several seasonings such as ginger, shoyu, shiso, etc. Kindly check our Umeboshi Seasoned Paste Product below:
Recommended 100% Umeboshi Extract Puree/Paste
We also provide a pure 100% umeboshi extract paste in Kawashima The Japan Store, in case you don’t want to spend your time mashing the umeboshi for drinks recipe in the previous section. Kindly check the product below: